Build data-driven applications on Hedera

Hgraph is a trusted software engineering firm and Hedera mirror node provider. For enterprise, startups and developers.

Our engineering team builds fully featured and compliant experiences on Hedera.

Our GraphQL API connects any application to Hedera with ease and maximum flexibility.

Powerful, bare metal server hardware enables our mirror node. No cloud required.

Our latest work ↓

We deployed the official open source WalletConnect library & SDK for Hedera, built through collaboration with wallet providers.

Easily integrate your wallet.

Hgraph is a trusted enterprise technology partner for business leaders eager to utilize DLTs and leverage AI to enhance operational efficiency, drive innovation and secure a competitive edge. Major brands rely on Hgraph’s expert consultation, software development services, project risk management and custom solutions to accelerate their digital transformations and discover new opportunities! We’re proud to work with incredible teams.

What’s next for Hgraph?

After years serving the Hedera community and developing robust mirror node capabilities, Hgraph is well positioned for a new phase of discovery and innovation. We’re focused on data analytics, artificial intelligence and tooling on Hedera.



All about

  • Hgraph builds on the open source Hedera network for its speed, security and scalability. Offering low fixed fees, enterprise governance, smart contracts, interoperability and carbon negative properties. We also operate a mirror node.

  • GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows precise data fetching with a single endpoint, reducing unnecessary data transfer. Its strong type system enables efficient, flexible queries and real-time updates, making it ideal for complex web and mobile applications. This self-documenting approach simplifies development, allowing for rapid frontend changes without backend adjustments, streamlining the creation of responsive, data-driven applications.

  • Hedera, the open-source, leaderless “hashgraph” DLT employs a unique architecture. The network features separate node types for read and write, creating greater efficiency. Consensus nodes facilitate “write” transactions and mirror nodes facilitate “read” requests. Hgraph owns and operates hardware mirror nodes.

  • Tyler McDonald
    CEO, Co-Founder

    Brandon Davenport
    Director of Communications

    Andrew George
    Data Scientist

  • If you’re interested in our software engineering services, simply send your contact info and our team will be in touch to learn more and tart onboarding.

    If you’re interested in our GraphQL API and mirror node capabilities, dive into our console or contact us